Section: New Results

Applications to wastewater treatment

Participants : Térence Bayen, Fabien Campillo, Radhouane Fekih-Salem, Amel Ghouali, Jérôme Harmand, Claude Lobry, Alain Rapaport, Tewfik Sari.

If an important part of our work has been done with the final objective of confronting models to data, the studies realized this year are rather theoretical (cf. research achieved within the framework of PhD theses by B. Benyahia, R. Fekih Salem, S. Hassam and G. Araujo Pimentel). In fact, they can be considered as prerequisites before being applied to real systems which, as for most Anaerobic MBRs, are still often found only at pilot scale and not yet applied on real sites.

Concerning the study of membrane fouling, we collaborate with our colleagues of the University Montpellier 2 within the framework of A. Charfi to characterize membrane fouling [43] , [54] , [42] .

In association with the “Laboratoire d'Automatique de Tlemcen” (Univ. Aboubekr Belkaid) and the Gamma Team (UMR Mistea), Modemic launch the NuWat project (Numerics for water treatment research) in the Lirima network (see Section 8.4.2 ). The first visit of colleagues from the LAT allowed to make choices on the establishment of teachings for the Master in Tlemcen of general trainings and to define research priorities.

The collaboration with Moise Inria project-team has led to a patent application about an algorithm for “intelligent” pumps for the efficient treatment of large water resources [69] . The method relies on an extension of a former work [4] coupled with faithful simulations of the hydrodynamics of the resource and the pollutant dispersion. This typically applied for Chilean lakes, an application that we plan to launch within a common project with CIRIC Inria-Chile.